/* =======================Module Manager=========================*/ /* -- moduleList.html -------------------------------------------*/ #moduleList tbody tr { height: 40px; line-height: normal; } /* -- moduleEdit.html -------------------------------------------*/ #module p label { width: 20%; } #module input.text { width: 20%; } #module textarea { width: 50%; height: 5em; } #module span.tipText { width: 167%; } /* ====================Maintenance Manager=======================*/ /* -- maintenance.html -------------------------------------------*/ #moduleCreator p label{ float: left; width: 250px; } #moduleCreator div { margin-left: 270px; /* INFO ---------------------- The above p label width ---------------------- + the standard p label padding-right (20px) */ } #translationList p { margin-top: 1em; } /* ===================Configuration Manager======================*/ /* -- configEdit.html -------------------------------------------*/ #configuration p label { width: 250px; } #configuration input.longText, #configuration textarea.longText{ width: 58%; } #configuration textarea { height: 7em; } #configuration span.tipText { width: 142%; } #configuration h3.show { margin-left: 270px; } /* ========================Pear Manager==========================*/ /* -- pearList.html ---------------------------------------------*/ #pearPackages p label { width: 170px; } #pearPackages .sgl-button { margin-right: 10px; } #pearPackages tbody tr { line-height: normal; } /* ====================Translation Manager=======================*/ /* -- langCheckAll.html -----------------------------------------*/ #translation_list table tr { text-indent: 3px; } /* -- langEdit.html / langDiff.html -----------------------------*/ #translations table { padding: 0 0 5px; } #translations table tr { text-indent: 3px; line-height: normal; }